Attendance of SSIEM 2024 Congress

16 September 2024
Attendance of SSIEM 2024 Congress

From Tuesday, September 3 to Friday, September 6, 2024, the TARANIS team traveled to Porto (Portugal) to attend the 2024 edition of the annual symposium of the SSIEM, Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism.

We hosted a booth to present our range of sweet and savoury products, as well as culinary aids, to dietitians and doctors, along with our new products. It was another opportunity to offer samples of TARANIS chocolate chip cookies, which have been back at AGEPS since July, with a formula made from organic ingredients. We are also promoting a new savoury product to prescribers, which will be available by the end of the year!

We attended numerous conferences on nutrition, particularly focusing on the needs of patients with Phenylketonuria and Maple Syrup Urine Disease. It was also an opportunity to discuss developing treatments, ways to optimize dietary regimens, and to learn more about healthcare systems in other countries around the world.

As always, we come away enriched by the dialogues with experts and motivated to expand our product ranges to bring more variety to patients’ diets. We are now preparing for future events, where we may see you:

  • Patient Day in Nice on September 21
  • The General Assembly of Feux Follets, the French association of Phenylketonuria patients, on October 19
  • ESPKU, the European association of PKU patients, from October 24 to 26
  • The Gastroenterology and Hepatology Day of Occitanie on November 21
  • SFEIM on November 25

See you soon!